Your Sacred Space

During this series about home and the differences between house and hom I want to emphasize that you too can have a sacred space.

Here are some elements of a sacred space:
1. Photographs
2. Buhhda, Angels, Source, God
3. Art (reall art)
4. Arttifacts you find/love/run across that have meaning to you
5. Love and care (this includes cleanliness)
6. Books that are self-loving/express you
7. Beautiful sheets and bedding and quality mattress
8. Comfortable furniture
9. Flowers/Orchid
10. Great bath products

These are some of the essentials of a home that one would like to be and spend time in.  I say this because I know of people who do not want to spend time in their home and for good reason: it is not a home, it is just a place where they sleep.  It is also for some a place to avoid by spendiing the least amount of time in it.  Although there will be those who will disagree with me I believe that people who keep their living quarters in bad condition are reflecting how they feel about themselves and are avoiding something in their life by ignoring the most important place in their life.  Many of these same people will move in with their lovers who are usually the opposite of them and continue to avoid creating a loving and embracing environment of their own.  They make someone else's home their home.

A Sacred Space is different from just a sacred home although everything in our home means something it is a sacred space we create that belongs to just us.  I suggest sacred spaces to people who are having conflicts in their relationship or simply need a space of their own, or want it.  Many times women who are unhappy in their relationship with their spouse create a sacred space and women who live alone.  One good friend of mine created her sacred space in her bedroom by placing a round table in one corner and placing things on it that meant something to her spiritually.  She had a photograph, candles, beads, a broch, a scarf, a small Buhhda figurine, some flowers and other things that had meaning to her.  It was like an alter for a goddess and it made her feel safe and happy to honor herself.  It was a place in her home where she prayed and meditated.  It was beautiful in every way and it did not matter to her if anyone agreed.  She created a sacred space for herself in her home that she was in communion with and although for some this seems odd I personally would recommend it to anyone who feels it to be something that would honor them and would bring them joy.
Some of the things one could have in a sacred space or room could be;
1. A Book
2. Pictures
3. Meaningful artifacts
4. A comfortable sofa chair or daybed
5. A blanket or throw
6. A journal to write in
7. Candles
8. Buhhda or other representation of one's spiritual belief
9. A Robe or Loungwear to put on
10. A Beautiful box to place wishes inside of it

As we begin to think about spaces and the value of our space we must also be willing to do the work that it involves to keep it up and keep honoring it.  Again, take care of your home and it will take care of you.  Create a space that is sacred to you and that has meaning and when you are inside of it you will feel tranquil and serene.  We create our own space and we create a place where we enjoy being or we simply live in a house and use it to sleep in.  It is my contention that those of us who live in a house are living irresponsibly.  We don't love ourselves enough to think we deserve it.

Create your space and make it all about you.  See how that feels.  Once you do I contend you will never go back.


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