4 Truths About Life

There are in my own observation 4 basic truths about life.  The truths about life are not the facts of life.  When the facts say one thing the truth can be completely the opposite an are not limited by the truth.  There are so many truths about Life that beginning with four is quite a good jump start as I see it.

Here are four truths about Life and as you read each one think about how facts are different from facts.  Joel Olsteen spoke today about the difference between the facts and faith.  He gave an example that I have given before.  The facts might be that you have cancer but faith tells you that you are to be healed and you are going to be healed in faith.  When you have faith facts suddenly don't matter.  I choose to look at it as the difference between the fact and the truth.  It may be that you have a liver disease and that is a fact however the truth is that you have thousands of healthy cells and you could be cured.  Joel adds faith to this and I say YES!

Four Truths About Life:

1. The facts in life are different from the truth/faith:

Always remember that the fact is and can be different from the truth.   The fact may be that you have heart disease but the truth is that you can be cured of it and that there are other parts of you that help your heart stay functional.  Sometimes the facts are not the truth or your faith and that has been many people's saving grace.  People who ignore the fact that a doctor said they would die in a week and then they live for ten years turning that fact into truth and faith.  The medical situation said that this person is going to die in three months but faith rejects that fact and truth rejects that fact.  When we are in our truth we live longer and when we are in our faith we bypass the facts because God is the real medical manager of our body.  By ignoring the facts or the lies as I would put it more strongly we move into our faith and our truth.  You may be lonely and that could be a fact to you because you are alone but the truth is that you are always with God and Spirit being guided at every moment of your life.  Faith trumps fact and Truth does too! That is a truth of life.

2. We are going to transition:

As we have heard forever and ever we are all going to pass away.  We are all going to die.  We are all going back home as I prefer to see it.  Home is where there is complete peace and where we live on forever in another form.  We don't need to be scared that we are going to die and in fact we should not be afraid.  Many reports have been shared by loved ones that when their family member is dying this person smiles and looks like they have never looked before.  They seem to be joyous and at peace.  These reports have been documented and shared with me over and over.  This tells me that death is not a horrible and bad experience every time, although some die in terrible pain, but rather that dying is a loving experience whereby we witness people who are actually happy to take their journey because the journey of death is not a bad experience it is a good experience.  For those of us who have faith death is a journey we will go on held closely by spirit and lovingly guided by God.

3. Everything happens for a reason:

I use to be with a person who hated words like everything and every time or always.  I am going to say that everything has a reason and be OK with the memory of a person who understood things in a way that was not my truth or the truth of many.  We go through experiences for a reason.  We find a dollar bill for a reason and that might be that we are feeling financially limited and in fear around money.  We may believe that things simply happen but that is not usually the case.  Most of what happens to us has a message or a learning experience.  If someone you love leaves your life it is so that you can learn to love yourself and have the tenacity to show up for yourself.  Everything happens for a reason.  I go back to the death of my sister Dora who committed suicide. That was a dark day in my life and I remember being resentful and angry but at the same time very emotional.  I cried for a week and in the end I needed to understand that her death had a reason.  After her death I decided to face my own secrets and my own sadness about where I was in my life.  I got divorced because I learned from her death that I had to live in my authentic self.  I was gay and I needed to let go of a relationship with my wife and live my truth.  Everything that happens to us happens for a reason.

to be continued ...


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