Think First Before You...

I have like many of you gotten into trouble for not thinking.  I got into trouble more than once with people for saying and doing things that are unaligned with love.  Since then I have forgiven myself because the alternative is to punish myself.  That of course is not in my spiritual option.  It is not an option at all in fact.  And so I have forgiven myself even if I have not been forgiven.  I am OK with that.

Here are some tips to keeping yourself in tact and out of trouble and grief:

1.  Don't take things personally.  Don't allow anyone's opinion of you effect you at all in any way shape or form.  Taking things personally leads us to act in ways we truly don't normally act like or do things we don't normally do.  People can be and will be hateful but this does not mean that you have to react to it.  Let the assholes in your life go and ignore any comments or feelings towards them and them towards you.  Remember that there will be people who will sue you for any stupid reason and don't ever, ever put anything in writing like my friend told me a long time ago.  It is the people who don't have anything to say that is nice and so we must be in our center.

2.  Write it and then Burn It: 
Write your feelings down and get it all out.  Cuss the person out and then hurry and burn it.  Take a bowl and have a ritual and rid yourself of them and their bad energy or the bad energy you feel towards them.  Don't read it again and don't look back.  If you cannot burn it shred it but get rid of it and say to yourself "I am done with this".

3.  Think for an Hour:
Think about what you are going to say or do for at least an hour and don't act on it for the life of you. If what you are needing to say is toxic and you know it don't say it right away and don't ever go there when you are angry.  Anger will motivate language that is hateful and not in anyone's highest good.  Think before you say it, send it, write it or share it in gossip.  Stay away from heated converstions.

4.  Think of the Consequences: 
Think about the consequences.  Don't say it unless you are sure of the consequences.  People will sue you and make up stories and do things to you for having an opinion of them that is not in light and in grace or is shared without compassion in your heart.  It is not worth it and in some cases they are not worth it.  Do not jump up and say something that might come back to bite you, because it will.  Think about the consequences before you open your mouth.  Think about it long and hard.

5.  Don't Gossip: 
Don't share things with others that you know is gossip whether it is the truth or not.  It turns people off and after a while they don't want to hear it.  In fact people will begin to avoid you and will clear themsleves of your toxic energy of gossip and fowl stories about others.  Gossip is hurtful more to you than it is to the person you are gossiping about.  Check in with yourself as to why you are participating in such a negative thing like gossip.


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