10 Realities of Life (Part 3)

4. A Body that has had too Much of Everything is called Cancer:

This one killed me right from the jump start.  OMG.  How true that was for me who has had too much to eat and consumed too much food, especially food that is not good for me.  A truth about life is that bodies who abuse food and have had too much of it are sick because the body was not meant to hoard food like that.  It turns into cancer and comes not only from the food and overendulging but from the anxiety associated to it.  Wow.  I could not believe my ears.  I still am reeling from that statement.  How can a body that has had too much of everything be cancerous?  Because the truth is that hoarding all that food and eating all that bad stuff is cancerous.  The truth about eating too much and having too much is that it is like a cancer.  It is unhealthy and it requires that we be greedy.  Goddess does not resonate with greed.  Love does not match with greed.  Rihanna sings" Around and around and around we go".  How true.  We eat and go in circles and keep eating our emotions and then we end up sick.  That is a real truth of life.

3. What happesn to others effect us:

We cannot sit and watch war in any other part of the world and really think this is not going to effect our karma and our energy.  The truth of life is that one man's pain is all of our pain.  War and starvation are universal and we all feel the effect of that kind of energy whether we try to deny and consume our way out of it by living in places like high rises downtown.  Just because that person is not your family member or they don't live next door they are your family, your kinship because we are related.  What happens to them effects you or has an effect on your energy.  We can ignore it and select to act like it is not happening and do nothing or we can be honest and help others because we know the energy and the karma is like that and that is another truth of life.

2. Energy is Real, can be Measured and is Scientific:

There are professors who are studying the energy in your body.  In fact your energy is moved if you are hooked up to a lie detector or an energy machine that measures your energy by asking you questions that bring forth emotions high or low.  The dial goes way up when you are reminded of an accident you had where you bled or a time when you took pills and attempted to kill yourself.  The meter is low when you are asked to share some happy birthday party you had at five.  Energy can be measured and hence we know that we are filled with energy that some feel can be transmitted across the world.  Nothing new you all say?  Right!  It is not anything knew and in fact I always tell people that nothing is new and that I did not want to reinvent the wheel.  I think that energy is a part of our hody like electricity and it has been scientifically proven for those of you non-believers in God or other higher powers.  It in fact has nothig to do with God neccessarily.  It is just there and a truth about life.  We transmit our energy to others good or bad.  Hopefully we will use our energy for good.
"Our powers for good".

1. "You cannot be Neutral on a Moving Train" Howard Huges

I will place my own spin on this truth.  Boy oh boy this seems very complicated to me.  Saying we cannot be neautral on a moving train tells me that I cannot be a neatral party and act like nothing is happending when there is this moving train with all these people.  We cannot ignore life because it keeps moving and everyone in life around us is moving.  We cannot just observe and do nothing.  It makes sense!  Now I see it!  The truth about life is that we cannot watch a moving train whether it is destined for love or hate or maybe it will crash and be neutral.  Or maybe we can be?  I personally like this one the very best of all because what is says to me is that we cannot ignore what is going on around us and on this earth.  Sooner or later we will be effected by it.  Maybe even sooner than later.  Rather than ignore the speeding train of life we can be a part of it and enjoy the ride and be an active part of it or watch it pass us by and ignore the pain, the addictions, the killings, the love, the hope, the beauty and the flowers in life.


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