How to Show Love

I am surprised at the amount of people who lack the skills to show love to others and sometimes to themselves.  I am equally shocked at the people who say they are loving and their actions re not.  How do we truly love?  What does it mean to really show love to others?

Here are my thoughts:

Write a love letter/note/poem:
This is such a romantic way to demonstrate love to another human being.  Take the time to write a card, letter, love note or poem.  It shows that you are genuinely thinking about the other person and it is complimentary and kind.  No one has to be a TS Elliott to write a short love letter or poem.

Fill the tub up:
Fill your partner's bath and you may even like to offer to wash their back or bathe them.  Show love in a way that is intimate and romantic by lighting a candle and suprising them with a hot bath after they get home from a long day at work.

Say I love you:
Share the very words that we all love to hear.  I love you.  Do so with sincerity of heart but most of all do it every day.  Work at making sure that the person you love knows it.  Don't withhold love and those words because of anger.  People don't earn love, they should just be loved.

Dance with Her or Him:
Occassionally put on some music and dance a slow dance with your loved one.  This too is intimate and shows you care deeply about a person, even if you are not a dancer.

Prepare a Meal:
Make a meal to the other person's liking.  Make the one that they like the best even if you have to google a recipe for it.  Make the effort to do this in a way that is pleasing for them with candles and with pretty dishes and some wine.

Give Cards or Flowers:
Flowers are an age old way to say I love you and that will always be the case.  Get them on any day not just for a special occassion.  Do the same with a card.  Say you care with some short words on a blank pretty card.  Take the time to share your love with someone you truly love and say you love.  Buy a rose on the way home and make it the biggest and most beautiful white one if that is the color she or he loves.  Do so with your heart in your hand without reservations and without expecting it back.

Offer a Day Off:
Mohters love this one.  Offer a mom a day off from parenting and rent them a suite at a hotel and ask a friend to meet them there for a drink.  Lavish your wife and mother with a spa appointment, some champagne and a suite at a nice hotel for the night.  If you like get a sitter and meet her there instead.

Clean the house:
Women say that it is sexy for a man to clean the house.  I agree.  I think that is it such a sexy great way to get points and everyone wins and is happy.  I especially feel like men could do this more often for their wife or girlfriend as they tend not to do as much of the housework in many cases.  If the shoe is on the other foot then of course be a loving wife and do the same.

Hold after sex:
This is one women need and say they want, to be held after sex.  Hold her and make that moment that you just had with her even more special and loving.  Make her feel that what she gave you was more than sex it was intimacy and love.  Hold her for a while.

Massage your partner and use massage oil while you are at it.  A soft frangrant oil could work magically and you may even score.


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