LIfe Is What We Make

I got up this morning feeling empty and wanting to stay in bed.  I started to pray and then thank Spirit for all the beautiful parts of my life.  I kept praying the Our Father over and over as I got up and opened the curtains letting the light in.  Then I went to make the bed as usual.  Again I prayed another "Our Father".  I just kept it going because inside of me there was something dark that needed to be healed, likely the loneliness and the idea of abadonment and rejection, the perception I brought to myself.  I kept taking responsibility for my feelings and bringing that darkness into my life so early in the morning.  Instead of thinking about all the gifts in my life I thought about a person who iced our friendship and how badly that felt.  Things I have not control of and things that bring gloom to my soul instead of the loving thoughts like my granddaughters in the ice at the rink earlier this week and the  joy on their faces and mine.

We choose to think what we think and make life what we make it.  We can get up feeling joy or we can get up thinking about all the bad things that can happen to us or the negative things that have occurred in our life.  Life is what we make it, really.  We may think that this is not possible but it is and people who think light and love are usually happy and the ones that don't are not.  It is that simple.  Those of us who have been exposed to challenging situations and survived them should know that life is what we think it to be.  Our life is not our bad stories and bad experiences.  Our life is really more about the everyday experiences that are neutral or great ones that we emphasize.  What we place our focus on is what we get more of.  It is "the law of attraction" just as they say in "The Secret".  The more we think about the shitty stuff the more of it we attract.  The more w think of the great things the more we attract that great and joyful things.  Remember that, in fact never forget it.

Every day is a chance for us to mold our day.  We must decide to mold something of beauty.  We must know that we are worthy of the best.  Every day we are alive we must know we are lucky to be alive and that we are because there is a purpose for us to partake in.  Every day that we are alive is not meant to be used to find fault in others or be angry about the past but rather to be joyful and make the very best of the day.  The day we get up is the day we are gifted with.  It is ungrateful to get up thinking about the crap that can or did happen to us or the negative things that can and will happen once we invite it in.  Every day we must decide to invite the sun in, open the curtains and proceed to thank God for what we have.  Every day is a chance to sit in silent meditation and to then do something good for our body like making a green smoothie and working out.  Every day can be a winning day if we make it one.  Life is truly what we make it.  What will you do today to make your life what you truly want it to be?


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