The Ways to Serve Others

Some of us, most of us, have no idea how or why we need to serve or to be of service.  Many of us on this earth are here looking to be served.  We are a selfish bunch of folks and mainly self entitled thinkers and not service minded at all.  We don't serve or volunteer our time because it is for many the last thing on our minds.  It is saying that we have a debt to pay and that we are responsible for others who are less fortunate than us.  People do not want to hear that they should serve and that it makes perfect human sense.  We live in a place where we serve ourselves and serving others is not normal for us, not even "on our radar".  

Yet when we serve others we are living in our highest vibration.  We are doing something that is more natural than we think.  It is natures way for us to serve one another and we can see it when our children are born and we realize that we can no longer just keep taking and not giving.  We are faced with a child who needs us and who we must serve.  For some of us that is our first experience with serving others.  I think many times parents are the first to realize that they are here to serve but we don't have to be parents to understand that we are here to serve others.  The mere fact that we are here as a group of people tells us that we are here to be a part of each other and being a part of each other leads us to serving one another.  We are born to serve, otherwise we would be isolated and alone and no one would need us or interact with us.  We soon find out that this is the furthest thing from the truth.  We do need each other and we are in the world with others.  It only makes sense that we are here to interact and to serve one another, interacting and caring for each other.  

As you go from one place to the other in your life think about how you can be of service to others and make this world a better place.  Figure out ways to love others and to share your talents with others in a way that will benefit them and the world.  Don't be afraid to show your feelings.  Don't be afraid to express that person you are and the talent you are.  Don't be afraid to offer your services to the world. Be of service to others and ou will find that it will come back to you.  Even if you don't think it will come back to you be of service.  It is how we become more complete.  It is how we become more humane.  


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