Sources of Light

I thought about some of the sources of light and I would like to share some of them with you:

Light some tea candles around your home inside holders.  When you are lighting each one repeat a mantra like "I am the source of my light" or "This is the source of my light" or "I am bringing light source to my soul".

Light Each Room:
Turn on a soft light in each room of your home.  In this way you will feel light source.  Let the light represent light inside of your spirit.  Allow the light to help you navigate the darkness that would have been had you not lit them.  As you go from room to room have the intention to feel light inside of your being.

Play some music that is light filled in it's meaning.  For some of us it is happy lively and has a hard beat while for others it is ballads of love.  For some it is meditation music that might bring in that light you are seeking.  For others it is classical music or soulful songs form the era we were the happiest and songs that bring good memories forth.  Music is so very healing that even if you end up crying that is certainly better than sitting in the darkness and thinking about the dark moment.

Read Positive Text:
Bringing in the light can be easy when you have books in your home that are positive ane loving and about things that are fun or spiritual.  Read from a positive text that means something to you.  For some that text is the bible while for others it is a book like "The Four Agreements" or "A Return to Love".  Read something that will likely bring your spirits up and out of the funk.  A text that is light filled with source and has something of meaning and inspiration to you.  I love books by Sonia Choquette, Marianne Williamson, Don Miguel Ruiz and Deepak Chopra.  These writers are all about lifting yourself up to the highest level of who you are and are all about managing darkness and accessing light.

Write your thoughts.  Don't use words that are super negative if you can avoid them.  Write about how you feel without cursing yourself or anyone else.  Write without blaming or shaming yourself or others.  My journal is blogging.  I love to blog because it gets those feelings of darkness out of me when I attempt to help others by doing a blog.  Keep your journal next to your bed and write something in it every day.  Make it all about love and letting go.  Bring in the light through your writing and cry if you need to.

Dance and Yoga:
These are to me two of the most healing things to do for yourself.  Put on the appropriate music and either dance of do some yoga poses.  Feel your body and allow your body parts to experience movement because when you do it will move darkness out of you and light towards you.  Shake that feeling off of you by jumping about and expressing your dance in a native like manner.  Keep dancing or doing yoga for fifteen minutes to thirty minutes until you have shaken off that feeling of despair or sadness or anger. Shake it off!

Take the time to be completely with your body and in silence.  Take time to sit quietly without saying a word and when thought come to you ask them to leave.  Meditation is simply a deep sense of silence and can be done with eyes open or closed, with music or without.  I love meditation music for my times of meditation.  Do this every day for at least ten minutes and you will experience a peaceful feeling and become more tranquil and light filled.

Go Out to Eat:
Take yourself to a nice place to eat.  Treat yourself to a date out.  Go somewhere where the lighting is soft and romantic.  Become your own loving light and your own lover.  Go somewhere that is a nice place and eat a good meal.  Don't forget the dessert.


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