The Secrets to Happiness

I often say to people I coach, I know this or that and then I retrack and I say "I don't know anything". I am proud to say that I really feel like I have some wisdom to share but yet I have nothing more special than any other human person having lived to age sixty.  I wish I knew for sure what the secrets to happiness are but I will never stop looking and seeking and wanting more happiness just like all of you.

Ask for What You Want: 

I believe that happiness is more accessible  to me when I ask for what I want.  I feel happier when I ask for what I want and I am especially happy when I receive it.  Asking someone for a hug is asking for what you want.  It does not have to be huge but it does have to mean something to you.  When someone asks me if I am hungry and I say yes and ask for eggs with toast I feel happier almost in an instant because I have asked for what I want and need.  Asking for what we want is believed by some to be selfish and self centered.  I do admit that when people ask all the time and give nothing that does not work for me but I admire those people who ask for what they need and want almost every time.  I also love myself more when I ask for what I want and that brings me happiness beyond what words could say.  I think when we tell others how proud we are of what we did and they acknowledge us we are asking for what we want, kudos and love.  Always be brave enough to ask for what you need and want.  Do not ever stop asking and remember to do so in a loving, kind and generous manner.  Be in gratitude for every time you ask and you receive it.  It is not to be taken for granted but rather it is to be appreciated and honored.  You have to be willing to give to get and willing to give what others may ask you for.  That is the complete circle of happiness.

Don't Work-Joyfully Serve: 

I use to think that the word JOB was like a four letter word we all know of except it only has three letters.  I for one started to feel like my own JOB was painfully bad and it started to become so painful that I cried on the train on the way there.  I truly wanted to get out of a situation that was so bad for me that I actually made it so bad that I would either be fired or I would quit.  I opted to quit.  I also opted to finish a degree in Spiritual Psychology and take an early retirement.  It was so painful for me that I cannot ever describe it in a paragraph or a blog.  That for sure is a book. I will say that being with the most cut throat people every day day in and day out was horrifying.  I knew then that I would never actually work a JOB but that I would rather sell pencils in New York than to be in a JOB like that one.  I finally got the knife out of my back and I realized a Joyful Service after finishing my degree in Spiritual Psychology.  I decided that the way that I would view work would be as a joyful service and every person I helped along the way became convinced of the same thing which was to transfrom their JOB into joyful service or get some other gainful employment where they would be happy.  Happiness cannot happen to people who work in jobs where there is blood thirsty killers and people who are all trying to beat others down.  To me this is not a JOB so much as it is a chore and a very unhealthy way to live day in and day out.  Happiness is finding the work that you can call joyful service that does not feel like a job.  It is us finding a joyful way to serve and work that involves helping others an making a difference because for most of us this is a happier place to be at.  I would go so far as to say let's stop calling it work or a JOB but rather Joyful Service.  Even if we are not joyfully serving we should begin by imagining ourselves or attempting to serve others where others are working and where we are at the time.  We would all be happier if we would just do only what brings us joy and happiness.

Forgive and Forget 

None of us will ever be completely happy if we are holding a grudge against another person or we are angry at someone and we are placing our energy in that place of hatred.  We must forgive every person in our life that ever crossed our path and hurt us in any way shape or form.  We must forgive in order to be in our highest joy.  We must not ever, ever hold a grudge and hold onto what someone wronged us about.  It can only poison our system and our lives.  Forgiving and forgetting leads to a happier you.  Forget that awful stuff of the past.  Let it go now and decide to be in your complete joy. Happiness comes from forgiving and forgetting.  The longer you hold things in the more poison your body will experience.  


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