About Praying Inside

"I don't pray to an external God I pray to an internal God".  Iyanla Vanzant

This small and short but profound quote made me think about prayer and how I pereceive it, how many of us perceive it.  For a long time I prayed to a God that was somewhere out there in a place far away and I wondered if he heard me.  When I realized that God is very close in fact he is inside of me I suddenly had a close connection to God and I no longer felt like I had to look for him or her.  I no longer had to feel like this was some aloof persona or energy so above me, so far away that it was hard to access.  Now when I pray I feel like where it originates is from inside of me and that God is very close to me where he or she is accessible all the time, every day, any time of the day.  I like Iyanla pray to an internal God.  She sometimes refers to God and Boo, her boo, as if to refer to a friend.  God is our friend and he is not this far away source but rather one that is close to our heart.  He loves us and does not judge any of us.  I was shocked at the bible study I participated in where the question was whether God loved everyone and that everyone deserves grace, even the murderers and rapists.  No one was unworthy and no one is looked down on or frowned on by God.  He or she loves everyone equally regardless of their path in life or their status in life or how many degrees we have.  God loves us equally and we all have access to God in prayer and in thought.  We are not judged as to whether we are worthy when we pray because we are all worthy of our prayers being answered.

My prayer:

I pray that God will hear me when it is essential for me to be heard.  I pray that I will serve God in better and new ways every day in every moment.  I pray that God understands me and that he knows what I need and who I am without me having to say it.  I pray that God understands that I am human and that I am flawed.  I pray that God heal my heart, spirit and body and that he heals the world.  I ask God to forgive me an all of the things I have done that are not in God's way, the way he meant me to be.  I pray that God see me and feel me in a way that I have always been wanting to be seen and heard.

I thank God for my breath and the fact that I am breathing freely and I am alive and well.  I thank God for all the beautiful things I have in my life including the beautiful people in my life.  I thank God for my heart that is beating strongly and refuses to stop even when it hurts.  I thank God for getting me through the things that I have gone through wthout more scars and scapes than I can handle.  I thank God for loving me to life, for loving me to see and for loving me so much.  I thank God for getting me through it all.  I thank God for every experience I have had: good, bad, ugly or sad.

God is inside you.  He can hear you pray.  He is not far away from you in fact he is very close.  Don't be afraid to ask for what you need and most of all don't forget to be thankful for what he or she has given you.  The blessings in your life.  The blessings in our life.  Amen


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