What is My Blog About?

Some of my friends are asking me what my blog is about and that has prompted me to once again explain to my readers the purpose and intention of my blog.  If I had to name if it would be "Life Smart" because it is about life and all of its tribulations and situations.  It is a venue for me to share my life experiences in the hope that it will help others and it is a place where people can read about all types of life situations, sometimes getting ideaas or advise on how to handle what comes our way as humans having a spiritual experience.  I often share things about myself or others in order to provide clarity of heart for people who are hurting becasuee of one reason or another.  I don't write my blog on a specific topic other than just life.

My favorite topics are often times threaded with spirituality.  I like to think that our spirit is a very important part of who we are and is our deepest self.  I like to think that our spiritual journey is our life journey and that our journey is spiritually based.  Our spirit empowers us and frees us of anything dark and everything that challenges us.  And so I am a spiritual blogger if one would like to label me as something perhaps different from other people who blog.  I believe in mankinds ability to heal himself or herself.  I believe in talking things out in a way that is compassionate and kind.  That is where spirit comes in and altough I have not always been so perfectly kind and sound of mind I have done my work and lost and won and been in pain and run out of good things to say.

My blog is about your life.  I hope.  My blog is about life, or so I hope.  My blog is life and the many things that can happen to us in life.  It is about the wisdom life has taught me through my experiences and about the pain of life and the joy of it.  It goes everywhere, even to the dark places and has gone so far as to be offensive to some who have trouble  hearing the truth or who don't agree with my views.  As a blogger you have to be OK with that and know that there will be some who won't like what they hear.  I do my best to present each topic with a certain amount of truth and a dose of compassion and so however it comes out there are going to be times when others might feel attacked. As my grandmother use to say: "if the shoe fits wear it".

I hope that above all my blog is helpful to others who might be battling with one thing of life or another.  Some will embrace their own shortcomings while other readers will become angry and resentful at what I share.  Either way I think people are paranoid that I will write more about things that hurt and feelings that are hard to address and topics that are hard for them to talk or think about.  My blog is simple, it is about life.


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