You Are Never Alone

This morning I woke up to a call from a friend in St. Louis.  While I was talking with him another friend from out of state called me.  As I shared my current thoughs and feelings with my friend he shared his with me.  Both he and I agreed that the objective to staying well is to stay active.  He volunteers at a local library and at a hospital a few days a week.  He has always been a man who gives of his time to help others and when he lived in Chicago he worked at the local hospital in hospice making it comfortable for people who where dying.  I thought about him after we got off the phone and what could have been when we met in Chicago about thirty years ago.  I was so grateful that we remained friends for this long and that he cares about me and I care about what happens to him.  He invited me to come viist him and I invited him to come visit Chicago soon.   We ended the conversation with "I love you" each of us expressing our love for each other as friends.  I felt honored to still have that kind of connection with a person I have known for thirty years of my life and who I am still communicating with, mostly because he reaches out to me the most, sending me a birthday and Chirstmas card every year.  When I feel sadness over being alone I realize that there are people that are thinking of me and care about me, like him who care so deeply for me and about me.

After I spoke to him I called my other friend back and we had a similar conversation, catchig up on what is going on in our lives.  She asked me about my kids and grandkids and we laughed about the way things unfold in most jobs.  She told me she missed my energy and my spiritual manner and beliefs.  I understood more than ever that I am a good person who has a contribution to make in the world and even though I know this truth it was good to hear it from someone who I went to school with and who I spent two years with.  It felt like I was going back to Source and validating the I am never really alone.  There are people who I have known for years like her and my male friend who care about me and how love me.  Sometimes that is all we need.  Sometimes that is exactly what we need.

Living alone is sometimes tough and I won't lie about it.  There are days when I get on the phone and call a few people leaving messages for them and hoping they will call me back.  I reach out and I do so at times with reluctance but then when they call me back I am elated and honored.  It is just what the doctor ordered as some would say.  A need to connect with the people who think like me and who love me as I am even if we don't agree on everything.  People who validate that one thing that we all need to know, I am worthy, we are worthy and we do make a difference.  I think the harderst part of it is reaching out in those moments when we feel alone and we feel unworthy.  But if we do we end up getting the love and wisdom and compassion that we need.  There is nothing wrong with loving ourselves enought to reach out to somone who will share love with us.

The fact remains that we are never really alone.  We are with Source whatever our source is: God, Buhhda, Goddess, Guardian Angels or Spirit.  We must remember that we always have an energy around us that protects us and that we can give our issues to.  We must also know that this source works through others.  The people we know, the people we meet and the people who are complete strangers are source.  Source is not just something we cannot see.  It is most times what we are in the middle of, like a person taking our money in a store or a person who passes us by and gives us a smile.  Source is everywhere and we are always surrounded by exactly what we need even at times when we think we are not.  It may take an action on our part but taking that action is the best thing we can do to connect to source.

The next time you feel alone and longely remember that there is at least one person you can call on and that you have a form of source in your life.  You are never alone as long as you believe that source is ever present.  God, Buhhda, Godess, whatever your form of guidance is.  Don't be afraid to reach out to source whether in a form of a person or spiritual form.  Source is always there.  Some days it just means leaving your house and on that note I am going to make a health drink and go out into the world to experience whatever happens and whoever is out there to connect with in a kind and compassionate manner.  Sometimes all we need to do is get up and get out there and have and willingness to connect spirituallly or physically.


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