A Box of Joy and Sorrows

Recently a friend of mine sent me an email that was about God asking someone to place their joys in one box and their sorrows in the other.  Eventually when the person went to look in the box of sorrows it was empty because of course God had taken them all away.

I love the idea and so I have decided to make my two boxes tomorrow: one for my joys and one for my sorrows.  I am going to do this for at least 28 days to see what effect it will have on me.  I believe that what can happen is that my joys will multiply and my sorrows will be put aside.  I think that by putting my sorrows aside in a box I am putting them away and letting go of that pain, anger or hurt.  I want to invite my readers to do the same.  Either go out and get your two boxes or look to see if you have two in the house.  Maybe consider making our own boxes with shoe boxes by decorating them or painting them or gluing a collage of pictures that represent joy and sorrow.  In writing place your joys in your box each day stating what brought you joy and also place in writtten form what brought you sorrow or anger, resentments or darkness of any kind.

Each box repesents the joy and the sorrow and as you fill each box up with joys or sorrows tell yourself you are done with that sorrow and eitther turning it over to god or just releasing it.  Say it out loud: "I release this part of feelings and day and I turn this over to a higher source knowing that it is not for me to hold onto".  If not this statement make up your own.  As you place the things that bring you joy into your joy box make a statement: "I I grateful and happy to have this happening in my life and thank source for the richness of my life" or any statement that resonates for you.  Do this for 28 days and see how you feel.

My intent is to place as much as I possibly can in each box and to be especially grateful for the joys I experience whether it is my sister coming to visit me and cook for me or the fact that I woke up feeling refreshed.  When needed I will place things in my sorrow box whether it is about being sad that a friend did not call or feelings of lonliness or sadness over something that happened or that I felt hurt by.  I won't conceal my sadness and I won't deny it.  I will give it as much attention as my joys and release those sorrows one at a time.  In fact I may even burn them at the end of the twenty eight days.  How about that?

I want to challenge each of you to start your 28 day plan a begin to place your sorrows, sadness, joys and moments of laughter in your joy box.  I want to encourage this exercise because I think it to be a healing message my friend has sent me and one that needed to be aknowledged and practiced.  I was an idea from someone who I love and I know loves me in another form but one that elicited a mission for me to let go of the sadness and the darkenss and look at everything in my life that is full of light and love.

If I were to place some things in my joy box they would be things like:
The great dinner and lunch my sister made for me and served me today
The meeting of a cousin today at Starbucks through a search my sister did of our family tree
Two very good scoops of vanilla ice cream and a movie
The fact that I woke up today breathing freely and able to make my bed
The fact that I can feel emotional and physical pain still without wanting to give into it

If I were to place some things in my box of sorrows it would be:
The correspondence I received from my soon to be X demanding I do this or that
The fact that my new cousin seemed sad about his dad's state of being
The fact that I got up in the morning feeling angry and resentful towards my soon to be X, for abandoning me in my darkest hour.

There you have it.  I am so proud of me for putting it out there and now for the next twenty eight days I will place my joys and sorrows in each box.  Stay tuned in for the results of my activity of life and if you decide to do it with me I would love to hear what you have to say.
elliott collazo gonzalez


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