Emotionally Void

I don't like to think that anyone is void of emotion but there are many people who are close to being emotionally void.  It is, I sense, a learned behavior.  Living with people who are almost void of any emotion is one of the most painful situations anyone could ever experience.  The most difficult part is that the person who is emotionally void is unconscious of it, not a clue.  There is good reason for a person to be void of feelings and one reason is because it is too painful to be present.  Requiring this type A personality to have emotions is like asking them to face the truths in their life and that is not something they would like to do or feel comfortable doing.  It seems easier to ignore the feelings and the feelings of others than to face the feelings head on.  It is also easier to avoid the emotions if you are the type of person who does not want to take responsibility for them or your actions thereof.

Amercans are known for their absence of emotion, usually starting with the political figures and not excluding all the employees at our jobs.  People at work and in politics are not suppose to be emotional and the agreement that seems to be prevelant is to keep our feelings to ourselves.  Don't say anything too personal and don't be emotionally charged unless it is negative.  The negativc emotios are more accpetable.  We can be angry and demonstrate that emotion but not emotional feelings that require us to love and respect each other.  It is almost unbelievable how we have become so skilled at hiding our emotions and at wavering around them.  In fact we are so good at it that we hurt others by not showing them our sensitive side.  We do it in relationships with people at home, at work and every place we go.  It is the American way.  Stiff upper lip I think we call it?

An emotionally void person can go from being in love with you to having little to no feelings.  This person can walk our of your life as easily as they walked into it because they did not experience real emotion growing up or it was an agreement not to show emotions, no matter what happens.  There is an unspoken agreement between us that says that emotion is weak and we are weak with emotions, yet what is true is that the emotional people of the world are holding the light for the rest of us.  They are the ones showing the love and compassion needed to keep the world rotating and out of the darkness.

If you have been made to believe that showing your emotions and expressing them is weak you are a good candidate for self-work, the work most people don't bother doing because they are void of that emotion that tells them they need to do the work.  The missing peice of the puzzle is that without emotions we cannot live fully and create the life we really deserve.  We also rob others of the right to love us and to be loved.  When we are void of emotion we are beleiving we are short changed and don't have enough in our data bank to share with others.  We are empty so we give noting and take everything.  We are emotionally bankrupt.

The best thing to do is to feel our feelings first.  The first thing to getting back our center and our heart is to feel our feelings no matter who dark they might be.  Our emotion is will mean eveyrhing if we are to hope to be in a relationship fully invested.  Yet many of us choose not to express our true self because we fear it or we think that breathing is enough but it sadly is not.  Breathing is natural but emotions are intentional.  We can be alive, think ourseles exciting and full of life but if we are emotionally void we are really mostly dead.


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