Emotional Poison

Many of us are not aware of how much emotional poison we manifest for ourselves.  We don't know how easity we create it in our lives and how damaging it is.  Counteracting it is difficult but it can be done.  Nothing is impossible for us if we put our mind to it, especially eliminating poison and poisoness people and situations in our lives, freeing us to be a more joyful being and creating a new day where we can breathe better and feel more alive.

We cannot take things personally and this is the first step to recovering from emotional poison.  We must also not carry the old stuff with us.  Somehow someway we have to get rid of it and throwing it away is our best bet.  Just throw it out like you would throw out garbage.  If it means shredding some pictures or burning some clothing then so be it.  If it will help you to get rid of the poison you know is everlasting and right there in your face and soul, do it!  Do not hesitate any longer.  Burn the picture of the person who hurt you.  Write down what you are feeling and burn that.  As long as you are holding onto the poison in the form of resentment and hate you will slowly die and after all it's just not worth it.  Otherwise don't bother thinking about it anymore.

Emotional poison happens when we hold things in.  When we don't say what we are feeling and we say yes when we know we should be saying no.  Emotional poison happens when we let someone tell us how we feel instead of letting them know how we really feel.  Holding in our feelings hurts us and poisons our system in ways that are dangerous and hurtful to ourselves and those who love us.  Stop holding onto the poison and burn that freaking pillow or throw it out.  Pack that man's suits in a box and tape it and send it to him.  Do what you need to do to rid yourself of the energy that is rotting inside of you.

Emotionally we poison ourselves by staying in the sick feelings.  By keeping the person we dislike in our life and creating stories about them.  Forget them and do so in any manner neccessary.  Step up to your own life and see how useless thinking about them and what they think of you is like.  No one will save you from this kind of toxic energy!  You have to listen to yourself and dump it like a bad habit.  Emotional poisoning is a bad habit for people who dislike themselves.  The other person you are wasting time disliking is dancing down the street, not giving their behaviors a second thought.  Now it is time for you to do the same thing.  Dance and don't give it a second thought.

I know you have all heard it before.  Hate is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.  Believe me when I tell you that you are killing yourself when you spend your time hating the actions of others.  Do a ritual that represents the burning of that poisoness person.  Do a ritual that serves you and that makes them secondary and not as essentially important as you are to yourself.  Drive them out of your life.  Cut to the chase.  Put your healing first.  Heal yourself from the inside out and from the outside in.  The only way to do that is to not eat the apple the old witch is bringing to your door.

Cure yourself of emotional poison with a dose of forget it and don't regret it.


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