4 Truths About Life (continued)

As I continue the four truths of life I feel certain that for others there are four more or that some might not agree with me.  I am always OK with others disagreeing with me and so here is number 4:

4. Nothing is forever:

This truth is hard to swallow for most of us.  Everything we own, all the pretty things we have, the people in our lives and the situations are not meant to be forever.  If we accept that truth we can enjoy what we have and still be fine with it not being forever.  In this manner we enjoy what we have in the moment knowing fully that "nothing is forever" as my grandmother would often remind me of.  I would also like to warn people that focusing on "nothing is forever" could bring you down.  On the contrary be glad that nothing is forever and that this makes life an opportunity to enjoy what we have now and not become worried about tomorrow.  When we do this we live fully and we live in the here and now.  Nothing is forever can be looked at as nothing needs to be forever.  Change is a part of life and endings are usually necessary.  When on thing ends we have the chance to experience something brand new.  It is a chance to create a new life and a new way of living.  In most cases we must think about what it would be like if things, life, situations and people were forever.  Do we really want to live forever?  Do we really want to be with someone forever or live in the same place and space and time forever?  I personally think that forever would be a bit too long.


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