Forgiveness Is Needed

Today everything around me is speaking to forgiveness.  Forgiving myself and most of all forgiving others.  When I think about not forgiving I am knowing that I am in victim mode.  When we feel angy about what someone has done to us we are holding on to our victim person.  We think that by holding onto the anger we are doing them harm when it is the furthest thing from the truth.  When we forgive others we are really loving ourselves and releasing ourselves from the anquish of keeping anger inside of us.  Sooner or later that anger consumes us and we let it rule us until we become disfunctional.  Forgiving others releases us from damaging our own spirit.  We feel much lighter when we lift that weight off of us and life is best when we are forgiving even of the big stuff.

One of the things that astonishes me is how a mother or father can forgive the person who killed thier child.  There have been documentaries on parents an prisoners who meet to discuss what motivated the killing of thier child.  The parent sits right across the table from the person who murdered their child as the person shares the remorse and even emotes during the interview.  Both parties cry and in the end the parent tells the person who caused thier child's death that they forgive them.  I look at this situation and I think that what we hold so harshly inside of us about others who hurt us is nothing compared to a mother whose child was raped and killed by someone.  Nothing could compare to the pain of losing a child to begin with but imagine losing them to a person who decided to take their life?

God forgave and we are taught through the law of source that we are capbale of forgiving and that in fact we should forgive.  It is not easy to forgive but it is easy on our hearts to let go of that kind of venom.  Admittedly I have a lot of work to do in this area of my life, especially now.  I become angry at my health issue and I blame God.  I get upset at my limitations and I blame the people who abandoned me or have hurt me.  I get so ingrained in my anger and forget that it is only serving to poison me.  This is what we all need to admit to ourselves and ask: Is this anger serving me?  The fact remains that although we are human and have feelings of jealousy, anger or resentment we also have feelings of joy, elation and humor.  We can either chose one or the other and chosing is not an easy thing to do.  We work on chosing love every day and I for one say to myself and out loud: "I choose love today".  I have to remind myself to choose love and to choose joy and to choose to be happy.  I remind myself to choose to be grateful rather than to choose to look at what I don't have.  On the days when I decide to pick love those are my best days and those will be your best days if you decide that love is the way to go.

I want to thank every person in my life who love me and accept me for who I am.  I want to be in a place of love and I am working every day on this in service to all of you who support me and in service to my soul.


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