New Year's Evolution

  • Instead of making some resolutions I want to invite my readers to begin an evolution because life is about evolving and knowing that we already have the skills and wisdom we need inside of us if we are willing to do some work.  
For me a resolution connotes that there is something wrong with us and that we need to fix it.  We are whole the way we are and the good news is that we don't need to be fixed, not at all in fact.  Every time we think of a new year's "resolution" we are shaming ourselves and making it seem like we need to get it together yet what God says is that we are "perfect the way we are".  I believe that whether God said it or not.  We are perfect that way we are and we don't need to be repaired and we really donn't need a resolution but rather an evolution to continue as scheduled.  

One person I spoke to stated that he makes goals every year and then checks back at the end of the year to see if he accomplished them.  He admitted that he was "driven" and I believe him.  He seems driven about everything and questions things quite a bit in my observation.  That can be good and bad in my opinion because we create a little bit of a competition with ourselves and then if we don't achieve it we may get down on ourselves about it thinking we are not "driven" enough.  I am not sure if I would suggest a list of goals but I like his idea much better.  It does not connote that there needs to be any fixing of anything about him and that is at least a wonderful start.  If it works for you I say do it.  

Here is what I would suggest.  We are human beings having a spiritual experience and we are constantly evolving whether we purposely set out to do that or not.  I think that where we need to place our time and energy is in becoming more of what we are and at times allowing the flow of life to take us where we need and are suppose to be in a natural and organic way.  Let the goodness come out of us and serve.  Let nature take it's course as they say in the spirit world.  I say don't make any goals at all but rather look at your life and how you would like to transform as a person then the other things will happen naturally and organically.  

An example would be: 
I am committed to serving others in every way I can, sharing my gifts and talents and showing compassion where I am and in the moment.  
This is to me a way of asking our body to keep evolving into beings that are more connected rather than beings with more success and more money and more possessions.  Even though I love the idea of goals I like the idea of was to evolve a little more.  I wll evolve when I make the time to be with my partner more and to spend more time with my family.  I will evolve at work when I decide that I will be more humane at work and reach out to others rather than to compete with them for a position. I know that I don't have to compete for a position if I just treat others with compassion and work as a team member who cares about everyone on the team, even the person who delivers the in house mail.  

My new year's evolution is to just evolve is all.  To become more of the genuine person I already am and to reach out more to others.  To pray for peace and to help someone up from the ground if they fall in my presence.  I want to evolve into a person who really cares about others rather than  person who wins the prize or the high salary.  I want to be more of who I was meant to be whatever that looks like without questioning it.  To love more, to have more compassion, to understand others better, to listen more and to just flow with spirit.  That's my new year's evolution.  


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