How to make the Holidays Happy

This is likely the time of year where many of us experience the blues.  Others experience anxiety over the expense of it.  Many of us feel frustrated because we hate to shop and find the holiday to be too focused on the material part of it.  Some of us are looking for the meaning of Christmas and not looking forward to a new year of what we sense will be the very same as the year before.  While others are making what we call New Year's resolutions.  There is even a lot of us who would like it to go away and be done with.  We all have some disfunctional family members who either drink too much or say the wrong things or don't all get along.  I had the issue of having people overe who did no appreciate my beautiful work and people who looked at me as if I was just a show off because I liked the decor of the holidays and went all out.  I was even criticized and talked about because of it.  There are so many reasons for all of you to dread the holidays and I must say I don't blame you.  The holidays are tough for a lot of people and we don't have to be in judgement around it.  This year I feel more relieved and happier than ever because I am doing Chirstmas in my home for my own family all of whom love each other and appreciate what I do for them down to the last candle and ornament and gift.  They love the music I love and they love each other.  All of us are joyful people who love being together and having a drink and dancing.  We will play charades, a drawing game called what-cha-ma-draw-it and also charades and Taboo.  So what will it take for you to have a better holiday this season?

Decorate your apartment or home even if it is in a very small way.  My mother does a real Christmas tree that is small and sets it on a table.  She puts lights on it and a few ornaments.  That is her Christmas decor and it makes all the difference in the world to her.  She lives in a small space and so it is just perfect.  It is also affordable.  Bring a little Christmas into your place even if you are not feeling the spirit.  It could be a Nativity Set or a tiny aluminum tree.  It is a simple start to shift the energy around the holidays.  It could just be a wreath or manora.  Give the holiday a chance.

Don't Exchange any Gifts for Adults, Just the Children: Decide that all the adults will not exchange any gifts and take the pressure off.  Instead make a donation to a charity of your choice if anything.  Split the responsibility of buying gifts for the children in the family.  Decide that each adult family member will get a name of a child and buy one gift and each child will get a gift from "Santa".  Make it more affordable and take the edge of spending money off your shoulders.  You can also opt to allow each parent to buy a gift for their own children and leave it at that.

Don't Feel Obligated to Bad Disfunctional Events: Don't feel obligated to be around family members who you know have a reputation for being disfuctional in a serious manner either because they drink and fight or they become so out of control it ruins the holidays for you.  In fact don't feel obligated to participate in any gathering that you feel may turn out to be as dark as the one last year.  Opt out of the regular party and maybe pick and choose who you would like to see during the season on any given day in December.  For some it is best to go traveling during the holidays and spend time overseaas in Paris or even in Florida with a friend.  Feeling obligated to do things with family in spite of their poor behavior is not mandatory and God did not command it nor did Buhhda or Goddess.  Spend the holidays in any way you feel is in your happiest energy.

Make Christmas about Your Real Spiritual Meaning:  Christmas is for many a spiritual holiday and I want to invite all of you to look at it as a spiritual experience and as time of transformation and resolution inviting the new year in and making plans by making a vision board or going to the midnight mass at your local church.  Make Christmas about the birth of Christ or the rebirth of your spiritual self.  Make it about something other than a tree or gifts.  Take the time to read spiritual text and invite a few friends over to dinner and start with a prayer.  Buy a canvas a paint an angel.  Do something that makes you happy inside the deepest part of who you are.  If homeless people can smile back at me when I serve them food then we can be happy being a spiritual being during the holidays.

Be Sober: Decide that this year there will be no liquor and that you will spend the holiday sober.  Host a dinner without the booze. Many of us equate the holidays with alcohol and we think that we have to drink.  In fact for many years I just did not drink and people found it odd.  It was not because I was addicted but because I just did not like booze.  This holiday make it about the joy and not about the feeling of being high.


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