Why is Love Everything?

Love is everything believe me when I tell you, love is everything.  Love can heal anything and love can conquer anything.  "Love is all we need". Love fights hate and eliminates it most of the time.  An application of love will save the world and save you.  Love is the very thing that brought us to this earth and love is what will sustain us.  Love is the reason that peeople couple and get married.  Love is what a baby needs to be healthy and whole.  Without love and being held monkies display some depressive and angry behaviors and that is only one example of what lack of love can do.  In any relationship there has to be love and when there is not or it costs a price to love it is harmful.  When we have to earn love it is sad and it makes us sad.  No one should have to earn love.  We show love in many ways some of which dont' make sense even when someone is abusive or bullying us.  Children will show love and continue to love an abusive parent and when they are taken from the abusive home they want to go back to what they know many times unless it is severe, and even when it's serious.

Love heals: 
We know that patients who have love in their life are more likely to be cured.  They do better with their treatments because of the love in their life.  Love heals people because it is a healing agent.  It is a feeling of love that heals people who are ill.  When the love is not there it is much more difficult for the person to heal.  In my own situation being abandoned in the middle of my healing made  a mark on me that will never be completely cured.  It made it much harder for me to heal than if I'd had a devoted partner who supported me.  Love in our life heals us and I thank god I did not have to depend on his love to live because I thought many times of ending my life when he shamed me and left.  Love will heal us and we need it for our healing agent.  Self love is a part of that healing process and I am thankful that I had enough self love to want to live.  For those of you struggling with an illness and abandoned by others in the process remember to love yourself more to make up for the love you lost and know your healing will depend on it.

Love Beats Hate: 
Love will beat hate up.  Love is stronger than hate even though it may not always seem that wey.  If we keep applying love to hate and love to resentment eventually love will win.  Love is that strong, stronger than hate because love is natural and we were born with love in our soul the moment we were born.  Love is natural and hence it beats hate up and eliminates it quickly and efficiently.

Love Is Why We Couple: 
We need love and this is the very reason we couple with others that love us.  Love shared is double the love and love on a daily basis heals the heart of hurt and pain.  Love is why we marry someone and why we live with others as a couple.  We were brought here to love one another whether we are coupled or not.  Some of us have that kind of love in a best friend or a family member.  We have to know that love is all we need.  It is all we need.  That song could not be more true by the Beetles.

Love is a Staple, A Necessity: 
A baby who is not shown love will not be well mentally and in fact would be oddly effected because of the lack of love.  Even monkies who are taken from their mothers display some bad behaviors.  Abused dogs who are not loved might bite you or run from you in a display of fear.  Love is a staple and we need it.  We cannot survive without love.  We see behaviors in prisoners that tell us that the lack of love makes them more angry and not only do they come out and go back to jail each time it seems to get worse.  They become more angry and resentful due to the lack of love.  Of course any love displayed between people in a jail will be shamed and discouraged so that even if a prisoner finds love in jail he or she will be unable to express it.  I believe it is not legal in jail to consemate any relationship with same sex prisoners.  We expect people not to expresss love once they are in a system where love is the last thing people in the jails who are in charge are promoting.  Love is a necessity.

Love is Intentional: 
If we are to love we must be intentional in our loving.  Intent is everything just like love is everything.  Nothing can or will make us more confused than people who don't seem to intend to love us or have the intention to love us.  With that intention there is action and if there is no action there is no love.  Intend to love.  Always.


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