6 Ways to Learn Spanish

I am unsure as to how anyone would not notice but in case you have not, Spanish is the second language in the USA.  As you look around you may also note that the Spanish population is growing at a very fast rate and business owners who are Latino are popping up all over the US and abroad.  We are becoming the new normal and I say this tongue and cheek because there are those who are becoming uncomfortable with the idea that the Latino population: Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Cubans, Equadorians, Argentinians and other Latino Cultures all who speak Spanish are growing and expanding.  So my suggestion to everyone esle is that you learn this prominent language that is being utilized often and the people are growing as a culture.  We are not going anywhere despite some people's need to eliminate us or deport us.

I was born in Ohio, son of a father from Puerto Rico and mother with Spaniard roots.  I lived in Ohio until I was about 11 or sixth grade.  My experience with racism started on the first day of class when my teacher asked me what is Puerto Rican when I shared the pronunciation of my name and she asked me where I was from.  This was at a school called Darwin ironically named after Charles Darwin.  It was on that day that I decided to be the best Latino man I could be and since then I have been awarded a BA in Education and two masters: Admiistration and Spiritual Pyschology.  I share this not because I am smarter than anyone else I know but because my goal was to be a contributor to my country where I lived and was born.  I use to tell people who were racist and made indirect comments to me about my race: "I am more American than you are".  That was my response to people who were so ignorant that Spanish was a language they found Almost offensive.   I even spent ten years with someone who could not put one Spanish sentence together because he was too busy behaving as though he was better than anyone else and knew it all.  But I digress.

There are four ways to learn Spanish:

1. Emersion:
Spend a year or so overseas.  Spend a year in Mexico or Spain or Puerto Rico.  Emerse yourself in the language and in the culture and you will automatically learn Spanish because frankly you will not have any choice but to "do as the Romans do".  It should be a wonderful and positive experience and if it 's not then you should not be in the culture and emerse yourself in anything that does not bring you some fun and joy.

2. Watch Spanish television:
Watch talk shows and novelas.  These shows use a lot of animation and you will pick it up based on the actions of the host, guests or actors.  Take at least one or two hours a day to do this.  It is excellent exposure to the language.  I happen to love Laura and Caso Serrado which is about a judge like judge Judy.  Emerse yourself in Spanish.

3. Take a class:
Go to your local Jr. college as most do offer Spanish and take a beginners class.  Become dedicate to the learning process and go above and beyond he assigend work by finding a mentor you can chat with, maybe a friend who speaks the language.

4. Listen to Spanish music:
I would pick boleros, slow romantic tunes.  Play them around the house as you do your housework and dance to them if you are feeling them.  You must be able to feel Spanish music so make it the kind you like most whether it is the Gypsy Kings or Julio Iglesias.  Listen to it every day at home and in your car.  Start to sing along with it.

5.  Spanish English Dictionary:
Get one.  It will help you to translate and put together some sentences.  Any kind of beginning spanish dictionary for children with pictures could be very helpful and get you to experience success so you feeel good about learning some of it right away.  Enjoy the journey.

6.  Pen Pal:
Get a pen pal in Spain or Mexico.  Start talking via email and do your best to respond to the things you do undertand.


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