The Funk Defunk

Today for some reason I woke up in a funk as some of us Latino guys put it.  I had my sister over and her honey and daughter.  Along with the company came the great food and love and laughter.  I am always very happy to have her over and this time she brought her adult daughter with her.  We had some awesome food and then my neice and I decotated the tree.  The final product looks just like a tree that belongs in the Tiffany store with the beautiful blues and riboon running from the top to the bottom with the blue trimmed in silver.  It turned out beautifully and simple which is my cup of tea.

I think the sadness sets in the moment my sister leaves.  I don't want her to go home.  I want her to stay close by where I can see her more often but the fact is that my sister is a very independent woman who cannot be held down.  She is always running from on activity to the other every day of the week.  Rarely does she not have something she is doing whether it is yoga, meditation, tango dancing or shopping for her juicing, she is always busy.  I think it keeps her young and frankly I feel priviledged that she takes one afternoon to evening to spend it with me.  She also brings meals with her, lunch and dinner.  At times I even get dessert included.  Always the food is maginficent, not just delicious.  The only thing is that when she leaves I feel so sad and become meloncholy.  Still I look forward to the next week and feel honored that she is dedicating one day a week for me.  The love I feel is off the charts and the food is so so good.  I think my funky wake up today had to do with the fact that I knew I would have to say goodbye to my sister, her husband and daughter.  Still it was such a great visit and such a beautiful time I will cherish, maybe learning to be more appreciative and allow myself to be sad and then move on.

So today I want to shout out to all of you who have loved me and spent time with me.  Thanks to my sister, brother in law and niece.  I feel so special and priviledged to have a family like mine.  Although when they leave there is some sadness I still feel truly happy and more whole.  There are a lot of sick people who are in need company that don't have it.  I on the other hand have a lot of people who love me and come to visit me driving over and hour to get here.  Today I count my blessings and thank God for those loving individuals who have loved me to the maximum.  I am so blessed and I thank God for those blessings.

Sometimes all we need to recall is how lucky we are to have family who love us even if we are single and alone.  We must thank God for what we have and the blessings of family members like daughters, sons, sisters, brothers and cousins.  I for one have a lot of love in my life and have nothing to complain about.  I for one thank God for what I have even if there are days when I a unaware of  it.  Look at the good things in your life and worry not about having someone in your bed or home.  That is not the answer to our joy and spiritual healing.  What matters are the people who are there and do love us.  So get out of your funk and stand up straight and love yourself enough to take yourself out to the movies or out dancing.  Thank goddess for what you have and let go of what you don't have.


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