How to Manifest Good

Tonight I have bumped into Joyce Meyers because as God would have it she had some messages for me.  These are my interpretations of what she was saying to me and maybe to others tuned in.  I love Joyce because she is a real person in the manner that she shares God and shares the scriptures.  Here are some loving things I learned: 

Get comfortable not knowing: 
We don't need to know everything and be enlightened about everything.  Sometimes not knowing is a good thing.  You don't need to know it all or be a "know it all".  You may not know what to do right way and maybe not ever.  Sometimes you have to turn it over to the universe or to a power greater than yourself.  Don't be uncomfortable in the not knowing place.  Stay in the not knowing place.

Stay Positive and Believe: 
Keep a positive stance and believe that things are going to be great.  Think that something of good is going to happen.  Expect things of good in your life.  Believe that things are going to turn out well not that they will turn out wrong.  Every time you expect things to turn out wrong they will.

Be Careful of the Language you use: 
Use language that is affimring and positive.  Talk yourself into good things and use language that is loving and beautiful.  Don't end up eating your own words like many of us have had to do.  The mouth and words have a lot of power.  Be careful what you say and think about what you are going to say.  Don't spend all your time talking about negative things and fight the demon like thoughts that come to you when you are feeling like using fowl language or unloving language.  Speak up when needed and tailor your words so that they are not ones that are intended or indirectly hurtful.


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