4 Holiday Evolutions

There is a new year's resolution and while there is nothing wrong with resolutions they often don't get met because we see it as a burden rather than something like evolving.  I would rather refer to it as holiday evolutions.  How will you evolve this year and as you go forward.  That is more important than thinking about it in the same way as always and making it about resolviing something which makes it seem like you are flawed and need to fix yourself when you really don't.  Evolving or a new year's evolution is about saying that we evolve and we evolve in ways that are positive and ongoing, not just for the new year but as we live our life.  How do I want to evolve should be a question rather than what is my resolution as if you were a problem needing to be fixed.

My evolution this year will entail things like meditating more and giving myself more me time.  I would like to learn to sew better and to learn stand up comedy.  My evolution involves taking classes at a local college or maybe in the city at Second City since I live near Chicago.  My evolution is about being more joyful and making others laugh and creating clothing for my grandkids and for the home.  An evolution is ongoing and nothing like a resolution where you promise to do something and then usually fail because you did not think more about evolving rather than solving.  As I said I think that resolutions have the connotation that you need to fix things and fix yourself.  There is really nothig to fix but rather everything to fix your mind on which you want to happen in your life.

Here are some great holiday Evolutions:
1. Take a class in some area that you have always wanted to learn more about: making clothes, stand up comedy, yoga, meditato, pottery or photography.
2. Think more intentionally that you are going to grow and say that and affirm this every single day.
3. Make it a practice to pray, meditate or be in silence every day to reqroup and to become more clear thinking.
4. Write your new year's evolutions and when you are going to sign up for it or when you are starting it and what area: spiritual, physical or emotional.
Now Just Do It!

Happy Holidays

Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


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