5 Easy Ways to Getting Married

I am as most of you know going to be divorced for the second time.  Ten years with one person and ten with the other.  I have what I would call a good record and both times I decided it was really over and that nothing I did could wish me back into a loving relationship with each person for very different reasons.  But I learned some good stuff along the way which is how I ended up married to begin with.  Some of you may be thinking that I am crazy for sharing how to get married when I am going to be twice divorced.  I think I have something valuable to share from the experiences and so you decide if that is of value to you or not.

Here are what I think are some sure fire ways to ending up getting married.  When I say married I don't necessarily mean to get legally married.  Anyway here it goes:

1. Tell everyone, emial everyone, mail everyone that you know that you are single and looking.  It is like finding a job, the more you advertise it the better the odds.  Let others know you are single and now looking, that you are available and open hearted.  Tell others that you are open to them introducing someone they know to you.  They may not know someone today but they may very well meet someone along the way.  It is better to ask friends who are married because of the obvious reason which is that your single friends are looking for someone too and may not be as likely to hook you up before they attempt to hook themselves up.  I know this seems odd but wearing a T-shirt that says single and looking would not be a bad thing.  Some might look at it as desperate I think I would find it cute and fun.

2. Get on a dating site or join a dating service.  I like the latter because it places the work on someone who is professional and they do the leg work for you by interviewing everyone for everyone and deciding who is more capadable.  It cuts to the chase and it is a fast way to meet a few or more people one of which might be the one for you.

3. Hold the Intention: Use a  paper and pen to write your intention.  Write what you are lookiing for in a spouse or lover and don't exceed 12 characteristics.  Believe that this person exists and that he or she is around the corner.  Feel and express the fact that this person is close by and almost ready to meet you very soon.  Write an affirmation about being in a relationship and meeting your soulful mate who has a lot in common with you.  Be specific about it like: "I am in relationship with a loving person who loves to laugh, is handsome and generous of heart".  Or it could read like this: "I am in a great relationship with a person who I have many things in common with and who is compassionate of heart".  Intention is the first step to making things happen in your life and if you don't hold the intention that you are going to be in relatonship then you won't be.  Conversely if you believe you will be then you will be in a relationship that may lead to love.

4. Join a Group:

Join a book club or a bowling league.  Join a singles group or a support group in an area where you feel you need assistance.  Many times this is how people meet their soulful mate, by joining a group. Keep your mind open and your eyes as well.  Even if the person you think is right for you is not yet in the group it does not mean they won't soon be.  Let your spirit decide the type of group.  Let your highest energy lead you to that group.

5. Be Assertive and Open: When you are out and about whether in a grocery store or at a movie keep smile on your face and be assertive.  If you see something you like smile at him or her.  If you get a smile back consider going up to the person and introducing yourself.  It is hard to be rejected but it is better to be rejected than to do what I use to do and smile, get a smile and then walk away wondering what could have become of it.  In fact I recall a couple of men who later bumped into me telling me they wished I would have approached them on that first interaction.  Being assertive does not mean we are desperate it just means we seek what we want and we are fearless in doing so, even if it means getting turned down ten times.  Wherever you go look like you are open hearted and happy and approachable.  A stiff face will scare people away while a smile on your face will attract others.  I say that flirting is assertive and there is certainly nothing wrong with flirting with someone and getting them to come to you.  It is an invitation to talk and possibly start a relationship.


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