How to Show Love 2

"How do I love thee, let me count the ways?"  How can I show you love, let me show you all the ways.  I think that we need to live love with intention and the intention is to find ways to show our love.  I also believe that most of us are lazy with love and selfish with our love and our money.  We must practice the ways to show love if we are to have a person in our life to love and keep them surprised, engaged and interested in love with us.  Love is demonstrating our feelings not just saying it and showing it for some of us is the hardest thing we will ever do or so it seems that way.

I love my children, I love my brother and sister and I love my granddaughters emensely.  I like to find ways to show them that I am thinking about them and by doing little things for them I am demonstrating and showing them love.  It gets harder to come up with new ways to do that but it is also a lot of fun and good for the heart and for the relationship.  Find ways to show the ones you love that you love them as often as possible.

Here are some ways to show the love: 

Take your loved one on a date.  Go to dinner and a movie and then for a walk by the lake or in an area where you can do some window shopping or observing, maybe a coffee house afterwards outdoors.  Show love by spending a little money and time with your loved one.

Take your loved one on a trip somewhere.  Surprise your partner with a flight to Mexico or to New York for the weekend.  Going away rekindles any relationship even one between a mom and her daughter or a son and his dad.  A dad could take his son or daughtr fishing.  There are many little vacations one could put together for someone we love and going on a trip anywhere will rejuvinate a relationship and put spark back in others.

Buy your spouse some undergarments or sexy lounge wear,  Buy him or her something that you know they may not buy themselves in a color that you know they love.  Make it about them and not so much about you.  Yes, make it something that you also like because after all you will be seeing him or her in this sexy outfit.  Getting someting for yourself that matches would take it one step further and is a sign that you would not mind some action in the relationship.  Loving action.

Bring Home that Pet: 
Bring home the dog or cat your partner has been asking for and you have been avoiding.  Give them the gift of love.  Pets are so very much love and bring a lot of love to a person or group of people.  Gving a pet takes some thinking.  Make sure it is one that your loved one wants in a size and demeanor that align with what they have asked for.  Make absolutely sure that if there are children in the home that the dog is child friendly.  There are may dogs who are less likely to like being around kids.  Study pets and ask a lot of questions about a dog or cat.  Consider a cat tht is declawed if you want to ensure that the furniture survives the experience.  Remember you must love the pet you bring home and put a lot of thought into it.

Sing for Your Love: 
If you like to sing and you would like to see a glitter in the eyes of a loved one, sing a love song or favorite song for him or her.  Wake them up in the mornig singing a song softly to them.  It is romantic and it is sharing your talent with the people you love.  For Christmas my granddaughter sang and song for us and truthfully it was on of the special loving moments of the day.  We all loved it and it brought a tear to her aunt's eye who also loves to sing.

Breakfast then Tiffany's: 
Take your loved one out to breakfast and then afterwards take her to Tiffany's and get her a small item like s silver bacelet or a pearl one.  We are talking about 150.00-200.00 and it may be the first thing she has received from a store that makes some timeless items she will not soon forget.  Have the items selected ahead of time from their silver department or just select one and present her with it once she tries it on.


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