God As Source

I don't live in fear all the time because if I did I would likely be dead from the anxiety and easily have a heart attack.  I think I have good reason to be fearful of my future but what good would it do me?  I look at it as a choice that if I live in fear I am not living in Source and if I live in fear I am not living in love.  In fact I am not living.  At least not fully.  

Today the viel of fear flew right off of me as if it were a hat in the wind.  While yesterday I felt so stuck and scared today I came out of it with a vengence.  Why I asked am I letting someone else or something in my life keep me scared?  Why am I scared of that proverbial "big bad wolf".  Then and only then have I the courage to let go of the fear and live in the light of love which for me is God.  God created the light and if it were not for his desire for me to continue to be here and share in it I'd be gone.  Some would like me gone I might add and some days beloved readers I'd like them gone to.  At least the memory of them.  

God as source is what is coming to me today.  God is my source and my source is God.  He or She is the source of eveything for me and I think for all of us who are struggling with what we are struggling with.  No matter how far we go to the dark side he or she will find us.  I am tellin you because I know it to be truth.  I get found every time.  I find source and then source heals me from my pain of any kind.  I just have to say yes to source and invite it in and believe it is.  

God is my source.  I am uncertain as to why but I do know that when I have reached for the sky I get the response I need and I know what is next.  I know today I have spent a lot of my time in quiet reverence.  That is god speaking to me.  Telling me to shut my mouth and listen to what surrounds me and feel what is around me.  Love.  All of it is love.  And all of it requires that I forgive and let my enemies be on their way, on their own path.  That's not my path.  I got off that path today, amen and glory to god.  

God is my source now and forever.  He or She reminds me every time I stray that God is the source.  I don't need to go look for Him or Her.  He or She is right here all the time, every day and every moment.  I don't have to buy a new shirt to feel good because it is enough to be in God's source and to feel plentiful with what I have.  And I have a lot.  God speaks to me when I am unaware that there is a source or I forget.  He She reminds me.  I am guided by Source.  

You can call your source anythig you like but I prefer to call on two: God and Goddess.  I believe God to be both masculine and feminine and so I see one Source with one path for me to follow.  When I am in need of nuturing at times I call on Goddess.  When I am in need of Courage I may call to God.  I get to say what Source I need and believe in and follow and so do you. 


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